From Karsten Hinckley
Teaching in Thailand
Things are going well here in Chaing Mai. I will start off
with a lesson that we had with one of our investigators. This girl has met with
us a few times already and she was telling us how she hasn’t really been
praying. We tried to really explain how prayer is the way to get answers to
anything and the way to really communicate with our Father in Heaven.
We had a Church member in that lesson and what he told this
girl was something I really liked. He told her to pray, but not only to talk
the whole time: to wait and listen. He said that when you are done talking to
your Heavenly Father, [you should] keep your eyes closed and wait for Heavenly
Father’s response to your prayer. He said that sometimes when you get done you
will miss out on what is trying to be related to you. As soon as you open your
eyes you could miss out on a special answer. Imagine Heavenly Father reaching
out to you with an answer right as you open your eyes. I hope that made sense.
It really made me think how I will pray from here on out.
Another miracle this week was a girl from English class.
This past Tuesday she came up to me after we gave our spiritual thought and
asked, “How or what do I have to do to go to church?” I said just come at 9 or
1. She said, “Okay, I will come at 1.” I said I would call her Saturday and
just remind her. Well, she came that Sunday and she said that she felt the Spirit
so strong. That isn’t the miracle though. About two to three months ago a
spiritual thought was given about the Word of Wisdom and the Law of Chastity.
At the beginning of all of our English classes we teach everyone how to pray
and we pray together. She was telling us how since the day of that spiritual
thought, she has been praying with her friend to know the truth. She has been
praying for the last two to three months on her own. Her friend is not a member
either. She even skipped her class at school just to come! She only had time
for the sacrament. She asked, “What do I have to do?” We said, “You have to get baptized.” We will be
teaching this girl from here on out. The Lord is truly preparing many of Gods
children every day!