From Trent Winn
Serving in Michigan, USA
I would just like to say that missionary or not, Christmas
is the greatest time to share the gospel.
Just think: what is the greatest gift you could give somebody
this Christmas holiday? The restored gospel is the greatest gift anyone can
receive over holidays! Why? Well one, because everyone in life has challenges,
member of the Church or not, and the only thing that can bring true peace in
the world today is the gospel of Christ. He really is Christmas. The Book of
Mormon is the greatest book on this earth and is the greatest gift you can give
to anyone this year! It is not anything that you buy from stores, but a gift
from the heart: a gift of giving!
May we all reach out and help someone this Christmas holiday
and make it the greatest one in our lives.
I know that God loves us all and works through us to help others. May we
be that vessel this holiday and reach out others and share to joy we find in
the Church!