Sunday, May 22, 2016

The Lord was Pointing the Way

From Karsten Hinckley
Teaching in Thailand 

These past two weeks I have just been so happy! I can say that we have worked really hard to deserve the happiness that we have right now but that would not be right. All of the success that we have had is from the Lords hand in the work. We cannot have done anything these last two weeks if it wasn’t for Him pointing the way. We have seen so many blessings and miracles these past two weeks. Thank you for your prayers for our investigators. 

We were teaching one of our investigators sister Rung. She is Christian already and just this last week in one of our lessons she told us, “Okay, I'm ready to be baptized." That made Elder Taylor and I feel like a million pounds had just been lifted. On Sunday we sat down with her and she told us some things that had been on her mind. Her daughter is handicapped and people will make fun of her daughter for being the way she is. We expressed that we were sorry for other people and their negative words. She also went on to tell us how her daughter had not learned about Jesus before. We had only met her taught her once and Sister Rung was very happy. She cried as she told us the many things that had been on her mind. She told us," Here is where I feel I am finding my answers." She is progressing greatly! She has such a strong testimony. She has a friend that is a member here, who was once a member at her old church. That friend has been able to help her understand the Gospel. Elder Taylor and I have high hopes for her. She has a date for the 29th!

Sister Nii passed her baptismal interview last Wednesday which made Elder Taylor and I very happy! We know that she is ready because she has told us. She tells us that she wants her children to come as well. She has a daughter that wants to come as well! I love that! After she passed her interview, we sat down with her and Sister Yuki and talked about the temple. We showed them a temple video that a member made about the temple and they felt the spirit. It was amazing to see their eyes as we watch the video. They are two people that are very ready to be baptized.

One of our investigators the other day was telling us how she didn’t read the Book of Mormon but watched You-tube and looked on Google instead. "I did it because it was easier than reading", she told us. I flat out told her," Sister you will not know or gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon by using those things, they have to benefit." I think it hit her a little bit. The past few lessons have been really hard with her because she will just ask for blessings. It kind of doesn’t set well with us. We've tried to help her understand how prayer is more than asking, it is a communication between us and Him. We need to make a good relationship with Him. Well about two days later, on a switch off, she changed!! I was almost thrown off. She told us that she had actually prayed to Him and had a conversation. We taught the gospel and she accepted a baptismal date! She said the best prayer I've ever heard her say! I didn’t know what to think. All I thought was, “You are starting to understand!” I know that at times it will take a while for someone to understand, so don’t give up on them.

Sunday! It was the best Sunday that Elder Taylor nor I have ever had on our missions. We had over a 100 people at church which never happens. We had many less active and investigators. The speakers were so good! The lessons were great! To top it off we had 2 baptisms! Almost all of our investigators saw the baptism. Sister Yuki and Sister Nii both bore wonderful testimonies! We had such a good week! All thanks goes to Heavenly Father and you for your prayers.

The Church is True!